Uniswap Utilities
Create your trading route
Pass your input and output tokens to createRoute and it will return an array you can pass into a swap.
reaper.createRoute(tokenInput:string, tokenOutput:string) => (route:array)
Execute a swap on any Uniswap V2 router
reaper.swap(routerAddress:string, tokenInput:string, tokenOutput:string, toAddress:string, amountIn:uint, slippage:uint%)
=> (transactionReceipt:object)
Add Liquidity
Add Liquidity to a Uniswap V2 pool.
reaper.addLiquidity(exchangeAddress:string, tokenOne:string, tokenTwo:string,) => (transactionReceipt:object)
Retrieve a pair address
Retrieve an existing LP pair address. If the address doesn't exist, it will create one.
reaper.getPairAddress(factoryAddress:string, tokenOne:string, tokenTwo:string) => (lpAddress:string)
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